The Dog Blog

Resilient people are really good at choosing where they focus their attention Jun 04, 2024

 They have a habit of realistically appraising situations and typically managing to focus on the things that they can change and somehow accept the things that they can't.

This is a vital and learnable skill for resilience.

As humans, we are really good at noticing threats and...

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Is what you're doing, helping or harming you? Mar 01, 2023

Resilient people ask themselves, "is what I'm doing helping or harming me?"

This is a powerful question that should become a go-to question during your most challenging days.  In fact, you might ask it again and again and again. . .


Should you do ____?

Would that help me?


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Resilient people understand that "sh*t happens" Feb 06, 2023


I'd like to share with you some resilience strategies that have helped me both IN and OUT of the agility ring. 

The cool thing is that these strategies are readily available to all of us and anyone can learn them!

Resilient people understand that "sh*t...

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Feeling Disconnected. . . Apr 29, 2021

How Many of you are feeling disconnected from your agility routines?

Need help getting focused on WHAT to train?

Need help getting Motivated to Train? 

I'm TOTALLY with you!

Since the start of the Pandemic, I personally have gone from feeling relief for a well-needed break. . . to restless....

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Loving out Loud dealing with loss Jun 03, 2020

Over the past 3 days, Bill and I have lost 2 family members, one human and one canine.  Needless to say, my emotions are pretty raw.  Once again, I am reminded me of just how short, yet amazing life is!


Anyone who knows me has seen me go through tragedy and loss, and how...

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Getting back into the ring after being away training foundation May 26, 2020


When heading back to competition season after an extended break, even if it’s been forced upon you (COVID Quarantine or injury-related), there’s a definite checklist of things you need to make sure you have covered.  The top two on the list are Physical conditioning and...

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